Costa Rica
Nuestro país es un paraíso rodeado por el Océano Pacífico y el Mar Caribe. Su diverso paisaje está pintado de majestuosos volcanes y montañas, brillantes costas, selvas llenas de diversidad e increíbles playas de arena blanca.
Además de ser una tierra hermosa, Costa Rica goza de un clima tropical todo el año; tiene una riqueza cultural de más de 1500 años y alberga una comunidad de personas poco común en el mundo. Cualquiera que conozca nuestro país va a descubrir el por qué de nuestro dicho “Pura Vida”. Uno de los países más pacíficos de America Latina, aquí hay un sinfín de posibles aventuras y experiencias para personas de todos orígenes e intereses.
Fechas Disponibles
Entre el 26 de junio y el 5 setiembre
Arme su paquete de viaje en las fechas que mejor se acomoden a su horario. Cada ruta se puede completar en 7 - 10. Adaptaremos cada experiencia a las necesidades de su grupo. Se recomiendan grupos pequeños o privados por el Covid-19.
Opciones de Hospedaje
Hotel Palma Real
Hotel Hyatt Place Pinares
Gran Hotel Costa Rica
Familia de Becky
Casas de amistades
Actividades Opcionales
Cine Magaly / Jazz Café / Obra de Teatro
Barrio Escalante: bocas y vino
Jacó Walk / Bares Nocturnos / Fogata
Aves Exóticas / Bicicleta por el pueblo
Paseo en Kayak / Cabalgata / Catamarán
Conociendo la capital: San José
Sabana - Mercado Central - Teatro Nacional - Catedral Metropolitana - Museo de Artesanías - Museo Nacional
Conociendo "La Pana"
Visita a la panadería El Maná - Tour residencial Pulperías - Jugar al Supermercado local - Clase interactiva de español con los vecinos - Clase de cocina: Entre panes y pizza
Las locaciones de cada ruta están marcadas con diferentes colores en el mapa, para verlas por separado puede dar click al menú desplegable de arriba a la izquierda. También podrá ver imágenes de google de cada lugar.
“Wonderful trip, wonderful experience. Spanish all the time in one of everyone’s favorite counties in the Spanish speaking world. It’s a guided trip to some of the best spots in Costa Rica with local guides. A great mixture of classes, exercises and conversation. You get to talk about what you’ve been doing and seeing. You will learn what “Pura Vida” really means and why it’s not just a slogan to promote tourism. Costa Ricans, “Ticos”, are really proud of their country. They are truly friendly and helpful to all. And you get to meet them. The trip visits different parts of the country for both natural and cultural attractions. All the planning is done for you, accommodations are excellent and everything runs smoothly. One of the surprises of the trip was the food. Costa Rica has its own cuisine which is very good, very healthy and very tasty. I can’t think of a better way to learn Spanish and to experience the country of Costa Rica with the best Spanish teachers you’ll ever have!””
“Our son has been a student of Becky’s since 2016. She has been an amazing teacher. She has made studying interesting and fun.
What she started out as just a tutor to support Spanish classes, turned into something much bigger. Our son works and enjoys cooking classes with Becky, has participated in group classes and has improved his conversational Spanish. However, what he liked the most was the immersion trip to Costa Rica with Becky.
For him, it was a unique experience. Learning about her culture, food and people opened his eyes to a whole new world. He can’t wait to come back soon. For us, Becky is not just his teacher, she is part of our family.
“I had the experience of living a whole weekend of Spanish. This was by far one of the most amazing experiences for me to actually start speaking Spanish with more confidence. Becky makes sure that you do not speak any English. She encourages you and guides you to speak at the grocery store, restaurants, clothing stores and more with native people and she really makes sure that you live a full immersion. This worked out really well for me because I didn’t have the means to go to another country at the moment, not just the money but also the time. Participating in this was very convenient, inexpensive and lots of fun! I did my first Karaoke night in Spanish at the cabin. I could not believe that I was actually singing and understanding every game and activity without needing to translate or speak English. I love the system! The teachers are very caring and everything is just amazing about this company. Give it a try!”