FREE 30 min conversational class to get ready for traveling
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Improving Your Conversational Spanish With Skype, Face-live or Google Hangouts Online Group Classes
By Sarah G.
When I traveled to Spain two years ago, I was super excited at the prospect of being able to practice my Spanish with locals. It had been a while since I had spoken Spanish or had done any formal studying of the language, but I was sure that I had enough vocabulary stored up in my memory bank to be able to engage in simple conversation. I arrived in Barcelona, Spain, eager to brush up. But as it turned out, I hardly spoke the language at all during my time there. This was in part due to the fact that I was staying with a host family who wanted to learn English. Also, I was only there for a couple months, so I really wasn’t going out of my way to improve as much as I could have. However, the little amount of Spanish I spoke wasn’t entirely due to my own laziness. I noticed something in Spain that would emerge as a pattern in much of my travels.
As soon as someone realized I was a native English speaker, they would stop trying to communicate with me in their language and instead switch to English. A lot of times, this seemed to be simply because their English was better than my Spanish (or any other language, for that matter), so it was easier on both of us. Some people were also just eager to practice their English with a native speaker, and for this I cannot blame them, it is, after all, the world’s most spoken second language and the language of travel. Barcelona is an international city, so English is widely spoken there among locals and expats. I even talked to some expats living there who said they really had to force themselves to learn Spanish because it was so easy to get by on only knowing English there.
While it is excellent that Barcelona and so many other large cities around the world are integrating English into their lives to make communication among some locals and tourists easier, it can be frustrating for someone truly trying to learn the language. From my own experience and from talking with others who have experienced this same frustration, it seems that the best way to overcome the pressure to always talk in English is to get better and better at the local language. If you can carry on a conversation in Spanish with relative ease, most people won’t feel the need to switch to English.
But how do you get to this point? Getting to this point can be especially difficult if you live in the U.S. or anywhere else, English is the first language. You need to speak in order to improve, pouring over textbooks and videos is only going to get you so far. An excellent way to get in the conversational Spanish practice is through Skype, Facetime, Google Hangouts or even WhatsApp online group classes. Online group classes at GOTALKTO offer you the chance to speak with others (in Spanish, of course) who have the same goals as you! An online class is a great support system for those who are first starting to speak Spanish. If you don’t feel super confident about your conversational skills and feel like you’re always stumbling over words, don’t worry, everyone is in the same boat. Learners in this platform are super patient with your mistakes because they are expecting the same courtesy in return from you. Learning Spanish with Skype online group classes is a great way to establish a network of peers who can assist and encourage you on your journey.
While one on one tutoring sessions are excellent and should definitely be utilized, online group lessons have the added benefit of being able to hear other accents. Spanish accents vary greatly from country to country, and while your peers may not have the accent down yet, they will at least all sound different when they speak. This can make for a great learning lesson in listening and hearing what you may sound like to a native speaker. Spanish Skype, Facetime, Google Hangouts or even WhatsApp group lessons at GOTALKTO provide a low stress and supportive environment for anyone looking to improve their Spanish conversational skills. Let’s get connected to learn a Second Language Online today! Book Now your free trial class! Also, take our FREE LEVEL TEST and discover your level of English or Spanish, this will help you to feel more confident about your language skills!
How to say … in Spanish?
#HOLA #Salut #Latinos #busylife #multitasking #familylife #passiontolearn #ready #radical #changingtheroutine
Benefits of Learning Online Instead of in a Classroom
By Becky
To some, it may seem a little strange to learn online instead of in a face to face classroom. While the goal of learning a second language is to be able to have a face to face conversation with a native speaker, learning online may be the best and quickest means to reach that goal. Here’s why:
If someone wants to exercise more and get in shape, they are probably more likely to do it if their gym is right next door than if their gym is a half an hour drive away, right? The same goes for learning a second language. A certain level of convenience can be crucial when it comes to staying on track to reaching your goals. When learning online, all you have to do is go to your computer and login for your class. You don’t have to leave your house, find a babysitter, sit in traffic, or worry about any of those annoying hassles that come with traveling to a classroom. Your classroom is wherever you want it to be- in your house, at the coffee shop, or at the park. It can also be whenever you want it to be- during your lunch break, before work, or on a lazy Sunday afternoon.
Many people become discouraged when learning a new skill because they are nervous of what everyone else thinks of their ability. Or, some people are just shy in general and don’t do great in new situations. If you are learning a second language, you will eventually have to overcome these nerves, because eventually you will have to speak in a situation where you may not feel entirely comfortable. However, learning online is the perfect solution for those who don’t feel comfortable jumping right into the deep end. You can find a professor whose personality meshes well with yours and who will create the laid back environment you need to make learning the language as stress-free as possible. Take a free level test here and see where you really are in terms of your language skills. You’ll be surprise and a great desire to practice a second language well immediate give you the confidence that you need to start with this new adventure.
Learning pace and interest
Ever have to take a class that you found to be completely boring, but your friend found to be totally exciting? Or, ever take a class where in some sections you were able to breeze through, while in others you felt you could barely keep up? This is something that can happen in classroom learning environments, and it can be detrimental to learning a second language. A major benefit to learning online with GOTALKTO is that you get to set the pace, and you get to decide what topics you want to cover. Are you learning English, Spanish, or French for work and therefore really need to focus on business terminology? Do you love cooking and want to learn a lot of food vocabulary in Spanish, English, or French? Do you find vocabulary words easy to learn but struggle with pronunciation? In a classroom, it can be difficult to cater to these specific needs, as everyone’s needs will be different. However, if you choose to learn a second language online, your professor can and will tailor an online course that fits your learning style and focuses on strengthening your weak points.
Learning with a Native speaker
This is probably the most important aspect of learning a second language online. If you sign up for a class in your area, there’s a good chance that the teacher may not be a native speaker. Learning Spanish, English, or French from a native speaker is essential for mastering the language. At GOTALKTO all the teachers are native speakers, so you can rest assured that you are learning accurate pronunciation and first hand cultural aspects of the language which are crucial to become fluent in English, Spanish, or French.
You may feel like you don’t have enough time in your day to learn a second language, but with online classes, there is really no excuse. Everyone has a few hours in the week to spare. Undoubtedly, you want to make the most of your time learning English, Spanish or French, signing up for a free class with GOTALKTO will give you the chance to make sure that the class meets your needs before paying a lot of money. There is no harm or risk to signing up for the free trial class, so do it today!
Check our YouTube Channel for FREE Online Classes and Tips
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3 Amazing Tips To Learn Spanish Through Full Immersion Abroad
By Becky
One question we get every single week from our students is: what is the best way to improve my Spanish skills? The truth is… if you want to significantly improve your Spanish skills, there is no better way to achieve this than to take a Spanish immersion trip.
The beauty of immersion trips is that you get to travel, discover new cultures and places while easily absorbing vocabulary, grammar, and slang. The improvement shown by my students after an immersion trip is amazing! If it interests you, here are 3 amazing tips that have helped my students learn Spanish through full immersion abroad:
1. Talk to Strangers
Even if this may seem a bit difficult at times, making the effort to speak someone else’s language can go a long way in establishing rapport with them, even if they are a complete stranger. Keep in mind that people love to talk about themselves, their families, their country, and their work. What can be better than learning about a new friend, the world, life, and Spanish all at the same time?
2. Travel Slowly
City hopping might be great for some, but if you travel this way you´ll only pick up transportation vocabulary and discover the well-worn tourist sites. If you have the time, stay in a few places for a long time -anywhere from a couple of months to a year- and really get to know them. Go to local cultural events, get involved with the local community, visit the non-tourist areas where people live, work, shop and eat. This way you’ll learn more about real life and understand the local situation in a less superficial way.
3. Combine Immersion with some Spanish lessons at Gotalkto
Before you travel, get to know the basics of Spanish grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. This doesn’t have to be a huge effort-you can simply take online Spanish classes with us for as low as $8. Take advantage of the fact that the teacher is there for you and ask them to teach you what you would like to learn. Even though it seems like a small thing, having a basic knowledge of Spanish before your trip will give you a great foundation on which to build once you start traveling.
If you would like to start learning Spanish click the link below to receive a FREE 30 min lesson with the teacher of your choice! Please feel free to message us to inquire about our Spanish immersion trips to Costa Rica, Guatemala and Mexico. See you online!
To want and to be able to Speak French! Powerful tools to learn French now!
#Powerfulmind #determination #frenchpower #frenchwords #frenchconversation #France #travelingtofrance #practicefrench
What do you need to start learning French?
By Teacher Marie-Pierre
“You just need to want it and be able to …“
Want it: You need to have clear objectives. Why do you want to learn this language? It is not the same wanting to work with this language or wanting to go on vacation to a country where the language is spoken. I want to learn French is not a clear objective. It is not accurate at all. Nor is it enough to say I want to learn French so that I can talk to the natives on my vacation in France. First you have to imagine all the advantages: I can find the best prices, I can understand the indications without needing a translation ... Imagining all these situations helps motivate you. But you also have to have very precise objectives. For example, I want to know the salutations within a week. I want to learn five words every day. ..
Be able to: Here it is about having the tools and strategies. For example, if you take the train every morning for forty minutes it seems like a good time to listen to a French lesson or review the new words. Maybe not. You know what works for you. Everything is possible but you have to program it. It helps a lot to write your objectives and your work plan in a table. When you start, it may seem a little difficult or artificial, but it will soon become a habit and you will notice your progress. We are all different and we do not need the same strategies to learn. However, we all need to practice daily to learn. Better 30 minutes every day that 3 hours once a week. If you want to learn, if you are able to study a little bit each day, you will be able to learn a new language.
If you want to learn how to say want and be able to in French look at my capsule : vouloir, pouvoir, present tense.
Learning a Second Language can open many new opportunities for you!
By Becky
Unless you are required to know English, French or Spanish for your job, learning a second language may seem futile. You may be thinking to yourself, “If I don’t need this in my everyday life, what’s the point?” Every language learner usually hits this road block at some point or another, so it’s important to remember that even if you aren’t interacting with English, French or Spanish speakers on a day to day basis, there are still so many invaluable benefits of learning the world’s most spoken second languages! Here are just a few...
English is the official language in 60 countries out of 196 countries in total. That’s nearly one third of the world! Also, it is estimated that about one in five people in the world know English to some degree. So, if you ever have the urge to travel, learning English will prove to be an invaluable asset on your journey. Knowing English will allow you to communicate with locals whose second or first language is also most likely English. It will allow you to navigate a city with much greater ease, as restaurants print menus in English, tour guides conduct tours in English, and almost all forms of public transportation use English to communicate with passengers. Learning English will open so many doors in terms of where you can travel comfortably and enjoyably!
Spanish qualifies as the second on the lists of languages by number of native speakers. It is estimated that more than 437 million people speak Spanish as a native language. Many transnational companies use call centers located in different Hispanic countries such as Guatemala and Costa Rica in order to serve their clients. Changes are that if you work for a big company, you will be require to speak Spanish or to be in contact with Spanish speakers. Traveling to Hispanic countries is one of the most amazing experiences of your life. Food is delicious, people are welcoming and caring about making sure you feel at home. Many places are considered a little piece of heaven on earth because of their diversity in nature, volcanoes and beaches. Family vacations and retirement await in many Hispanic countries and being able to communicate in Spanish, it’s a great way to live this experience to the fullest. Meet great people while learning Spanish!
Are you someone who loves learning in general? Well, learning English or Spanish goes hand in hand with anyone who is looking to expand their knowledge of the world around them.
The majority of websites on the internet print their information in English or Spanish. So if you are someone who likes to surf the web, learning English or Spanish will certainly be of benefit to you! English is also the language of science, as 95 percent of scientific articles are written in English. For those who love to read, the name William Shakespeare should be enough to convince you that some of the world’s most eloquent and timeless literature is written in English. Learning English will give you access to a whole range of knowledge that you were previously incapable of discovering.
For any pop culture aficionados out there, learning English can be your gateway to some of the greatest movies of all time. It’s no secret that Hollywood makes the world’s highest grossing films, and obviously these films are in English. Any real movie lover knows that the only way to truly experience the greatness of a film is to watch it in its native language, as so much is lost in dubbing and subtitles. Learning English for the sake of watching more movies will provide you with endless hours of entertainment, as well as a closer look into the humor and ways of life of Western culture. Not to mention, watching movies can be a great tool for learning the language, as you can hear how natives actually sound and the pace at which they speak.
If you’re more of a music buff, then you don’t need to be told that some of the world’s most popular music is in English. The Beatles. Michael Jackson. Adele. If you’re looking to expand your music collection or understand the meaning of the catchy lyrics you’re always humming, then learning English will certainly be of value to you.
Salsa Music, Pop Latino, Flamenco and more
Let’s be honest, we all want to shake our bodies when we hear Shakira, Chayanne, Ricky Martin, Celia Cruz, Marc Anthony or even Will Smith practicing Spanish while singing and dancing. It is a fact that when we incorporate a physical movement in our vocabulary, something that reminds us or helps us record new words, we are indeed using all our body, mind, brain and soul to learn a language. Music is a great way to get it done! Music is in the blood of the Hispanic culture, and it is contagious. Let’s start singing and dancing as a way to learn Spanish!
Romance and Language
French is one of the most romantic languages in the world. Think France, Tower, lights, wine, romantic dinner and water. Nice! And… romantic, smart and fun conversations in French. It’s not just that amazing trip to France. We want to connect with that romantic spark and be able to have a conversation in a nice French restaurant, coffee place or just while we are enjoying the most romantic scenarios of France talking with the natives of France. We want to flirt and shop in French. Yes, I am in love and all but, I still want my discounts and coupons while I am shopping in France! I want to ask for directions in French and have a small conversation with our French driver and the locals. Love is in the air of France and I need to speak French out loud!
So, although learning English, French and Spanish can sometimes feel overwhelming and exhausting, especially if you are not in it for career benefits, it is clear that it can be an asset in so many other ways. Learning online with GOTALKTO is a great way to focus on the aspect of the language that most interests you. If you have no desire to learn business terms and would much rather talk about the next great action flick coming out of Hollywood, then your professor can easily cater to this request. Try a free trial lesson online first and then get hooked on studying the world’s most valuable languages.
Immersion Weekends of Spanish Classes! A great family experience!
By Elizabeth Morales
Do you want to go for a three-day-weekend of total immersion to learn Spanish in the United States? Friday, Saturday and Sunday in a beautiful cabin or beach house in Maryland, Florida or California. Share an entire weekend talking, cooking, dancing, singing, playing, exercising, watching movies, visiting Hispanic markets, Hispanic stores, museums, banks, government offices; all while practicing your Spanish 100% with other Hispanic people and a native teacher at all times. This total immersion experience aids students in feeling comfortable learning about Hispanic Culture. Ideal before traveling to a Hispanic country, interviewing for a position or simply to meet and connect with other people who share common interests. It's a spectacular experience.
“ I had the experience of living a whole weekend of Spanish. This was by far one of the most amazing experiences for me to actually start speaking Spanish with more confidence. Becky makes sure that you do not speak any English. She encourages you and guides you to speak at the grocery store, restaurants, clothing stores and other places with native people and she really makes sure that you live a full immersion. This worked out really well for me because I didn’t have the means to go to another country at the moment, not just the money but also the time. Participating in this was very convenient, inexpensive and lots of fun! I did my first Karaoke night in Spanish at the cabin. I could not believe that I was actually singing and understanding every game and activity without needing to translate or speak English. I love the system! The teachers are very caring and everything is just amazing about this company. Give it a try! “
-Alejandra From Florida
5 FREE Great Tools to practice a second language online
By Becky
1. Take our FREE level test so that you can practice and see what is your Spanish, English or French level.
2. Sign up for a FREE class. Have a 30-min FREE private session with a native teacher to evaluate your level of conversation in Spanish, English or French and to chat about your test results. Let us customize your student learning plan to get you started!
3. Access our FREE blog to practice reading in English, Spanish and French with beautiful and helpful weekly articles, tips and meditations to learn Spanish, English, French and more!
4. Weekly FREE Online classes, tips and interviews in our YouTube channel
5. Book a FREE 45-min private chat to learn everything about our immersion programs: weekends in Florida, Maryland or California. Trips to Latin-America, France and Spain and Summer Camps to learn Spanish, English and French!
I am thankful for you today so I will give you an extra bonus… subscribe to our YouTube channel and you will be participating in our monthly raffle of 5 free online classes. Subscribe here!
“Keep smiling, breath and think positive thoughts. Empower yourself! You are on the way to learning a new language, meeting new friends, experiencing amazing cultural aspects of the language such as new food, new traditions, new pets from different countries, new games, new sports, new dances from around the world… There is so much more for us to learn and experience when we connect with others. We feel alive and there is a fresh energy in our mind, body and soul when we decide to start something new…”
Learning a second language open your doors to new beginnings and new people in your life!
“ When the student is ready… the right teacher comes around”
Wayne Dyer Quote
We are honored that by visiting our website, you are ready, and we are the right teacher for you. Let’s start a new learning path!
24/7 Go talk to us!
Family Staycation: Leave the Baggage to Us!
By Teacher Emily
As we enter 2022, we are once again reminded to be grateful for the family, friends, and memories we have made. People all across the globe are steadily trying to recover the livelihoods lost during COVID-19. Many have had to completely restructure their lives to adjust to this “new normal.”
But even this gray cloud has a silver lining. Families have united and come together to overcome these uncertain times. Many of us find ourselves isolating at home with a good movie or show to keep us entertained. The artists of the world have also dedicated their talents to bringing messages of awareness to the big screen. What do big picture films like Raya and the Last Dragon, Over the Moon, and Encanto have in common? Well, not only are they visually stunning, family-friendly movies, but they also have powerful messages about loss, trauma, and mental health.
While we shut ourselves inside, many of us have been forced to face emotions and feelings with the audience of our loved ones. These emotional responses, if left undealt with, can pile up into what we like to call, “baggage.” As the name suggests, this ‘baggage’ is like a burdensome suitcase we must carry around with us; everywhere we go. If you have been to an airport (we miss them) you will know that your baggage can never be dropped or left behind. We all have a responsibility to deal with our baggage for ourselves and others.
Encanto is a culturally musical tale of generational trauma. There is a relatable character for everyone in this film! Many of us have experienced the struggle of hiding our failures and weaknesses from our families. In an attempt to ‘not step on any toes’, we shoulder this baggage alone, and often times it does more harm than good. Luckily, the era of virtual services have given us a wonderful tool for healing these traumas and toxic cycles: Online Therapy.
It is true that we cannot do this alone, but with the power of the Internet and passion GoTalkTo brings an entire wellness center to your home. Whether it’s personal grief counseling or family trauma sessions, our specialists are here to help you. Therapy and mental wellness can be a positive, healthy outlet for anybody. Oftentimes, we can let our stresses and baggage pile up until we are overwhelmed. These breaking points are most often when people seek out help, but a great deal of emotional damage may have already been done. This is especially risky when we have no hiding places from our roommates, spouses, siblings, and even our own children.
Speaking to a live psychologist may be the solution to kicking off your new year the right way. Have you noticed unhealthy patterns within your own family? Do you find yourself facing a unique situation you are unprepared for? We are here for you to help make sense of the chaos and ease your mind. Sometimes outside help is the best way to get rid of generational ‘curses.’ Many youngsters have used media to recognize these toxic patterns, and have answered the call to stop them. “It ends with me,” as the famous saying goes. These fresh perspectives on mental wellness have already given our new year life and hope.
We all go through many struggles and losses. Often, we are the unsung heroes, silently battling our own demons. The GoTalkTo family is here to make sure you know that you are not alone. Together, we can build a brighter future, a safer tomorrow, and a world where no person is defined by misfortune. It is always a pleasure to serve our communities we love so much.